Monthly Membership Options
Basic Membership
6 Classes
Attend all offered classes 1-2 times per week
Member Perk: 10% off logo wear - 20% off private parties
$30 Registration Fee
Unlimited Membership
Attend all offered classes as many times per week
Member Perk: 20% off logo wear - 20% off private parties
$30 Registration Fee
Committed Membership
10 Classes
Attend all offered classes 2-3 times per week
Member Perk: 10% off logo wear - 20% off private parties
$30 Registration Fee
Lifestyle Membership
16 Classes
Attend all offered classes 4 times per week
Member Perk: 10% off logo wear - 20% off private parties
$30 Registration Fee
Monthly Memberships
Automatic payment every 30 days - $30 registration fee - No rollover - No contract​s
There are so many BENEFITS to having a membership! One benefit is COMMITMENT! The more consistent you are, the greater personal growth you will experience. Also, the more WELL-ROUNDED you are (taking advantage of our non-pole classes), the more maximized your pole experience will be. You will also have the opportunity to create FRIENDSHIPS the more you regularly attend.
Invest in yourself! Invest in your health! Invest in your future!
These membership packages are auto-drafted monthly from the card on file every 30 days. Any unused classes will expire at the end of your 30 days. Membership packages will not be suspended or canceled unless the student gives at least 10 days notice before next auto-draft date (via email). Classes cannot be gifted to another person or member. Packages will not be credited back to the account for ANY reason.
To cancel or suspend, please print, sign and submit our cancellation/suspension form to or deliver in person. Any requests to cancel or pause your monthly membership must be submitted 10 days or more prior to your auto-renew date. Memberships that have already been processed will not be refunded.
Class Pass Pricing
First Timer Pass
Take your first 2 classes at a discounted rate
Take any pole fitness 1 or off the pole class offered
Valid for 1 month
Active Members Pass
**Membership Perk** Enjoy a single class pass at a discounted rate
Valid for 1 month
Single Class Pass
Take any offered class on the schedule
*New Students* Start in Pole Fitness 1
Valid for 1 month
Open Pole Pass
Valid for 1 month